2D Mobile Game Design & Illustration

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Hip Hop Berserker | Fourtwothree Studios

Platform: Mobile // Software: Adobe Photoshop

Visual development for side scroller style game that used music as a vehicle by which the player advanced through each level.  I designed and illustrated all character sheets, UI kit elements, animation samples, environment design, and typography with direction from the game's creator and writer.


Angry Bikes | Supercross Media

Platform: Mobile // Software: Adobe Photoshop

This was a commission by Supercross Media to design and illustrate a series of backgrounds for their 2D sidescrolling mobile game, Angry Bikes. The levels displayed in parallax with the foreground, middleground, and background scrolling at different speeds relative to the player as the player’s character, an angry motocross athlete, progressed through each stage. Included here are three animated PVE (player versus environment) characters used as obstacles to distract the player.


Legendary Wars 2.0 | LivGames

Platform: Mobile // Software: Adobe Photoshop

A commission by LivGames to design and illustrate a series of assets for the sequel to their 2D side scrolling mobile game, Legendary Wars. These assets include enemy spawn points and a series of “book plates” designed to resemble illuminated manuscripts.


Monster Wars | LivGames

Platform: Mobile // Software: Adobe Photoshop

A commission by LivGames to design and illustrate a series of assets for the sequel to their 2D side scrolling mobile game, Legendary Wars. These assets include enemy spawn points, a loading screen, UI elements, and another series of “book plates” designed to resemble illuminated manuscripts.


Stellar Wars | LivGames

Platform: Mobile // Software: Adobe Photoshop

A commission by LivGames to design and illustrate a series of UI/UX menus for their 2D side scroller game, Stellar Wars. These were produced under the direction of their lead artist. Robots and space opera materials and textures of the 1970’s and 1980’s were our greatest inspiration for this aesthetic.

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